Developing your Social Media Strategy


An organisations social media strategy can have one of the biggest influences on your organisations potential to grow, expand or retract. The social media superhighway can also be fraught with uneasiness, nerves and political midfields. having said that their is also an opportunity to engage on social media platform that co-inside and correlate with your business, its missions and its strategic objectives.

Many organisations face time constraints or don't always see the value in spending the time designing a social media platform strategy or understanding what medians or platforms will give you the best return on your time and investment.

The Digital Age

But in the digital age and post pandemic era the trend to use social media as a launchpad for organisational success, employee professional development and raising awareness of your brand and its purpose is starting to pay huge dividends to organisations that invest wisely in these social networks.

Not all the social media platforms will be right for you and can be easy to get lost in the content writing, what to post, what strategy to use and who will maintain the platforms and how do we grow our followers and page network.

Your Social Vision

These are all simple questions which can be answered by first spending the time to understand what is your target market, audience and customer base and what do you hope to achieve as part of their social engagement strategy. your Social media strategy should form part of your broader marketing, community engagement and communication strategy and operational plan.

Understand your purpose, what do you want to communicate and what are your key messages.


ESG Mindset Consulting can help you:

  • Understand your target market and audience
  • Provide recommendations on whether the utilisation of social media is right for your organisational development and strategic direction
  • Develop a Social Media strategy and engagement plan
  • Develop measurable outcomes to develop brand empowerment
  • Recommend what social media platforms to begin with
  • Develop a communication continuity program and plan
  • Provide consumer and market insights on the best times and days to promote your organisation.
  • Develop a network and engagement strategy with measurable outcomes
  • Develop your social media engagement niche or point of difference
  • Develop your point of difference and build your journey to becoming a respected voice and advocate for your people, consumers and your sector.
  • Provide social media training and development for your teams, executives and board members so they have a level of comfortability in becoming an organisational Brand Ambassador as well.


Lets build your organisational and professional voice so you can share your business insights with others so they can learn and develop their people.